Can Lluisso is a country house located in Son Vall in Felanitx. The house had been uninhabited for years and due to the use of unsuitable materials for the old construction, it was damp and in an advanced state of deterioration both inside and outside the house.
Natural materials and traditional techniques KM 0
The restoration of Can lluisso It consisted of opening up spaces on the ground floor, restoring the walls and floors with natural materials and mortars. We partially intervened on the façades, removing layers of cement, recovering and reinterpreting the old coverings, maintaining textures, materials and colours.

Both the walls and floors are covered with lime mortars made on site, seeking as far as possible that the materials used were KM0.

The house, which is used for holiday rentals, has also been used on numerous occasions as a location in fashion and advertising productions.

Some of the photos we publish are from the photo shoot done for Mango Home and its selection of home clothing.